英语人>词典>汉英 : 一定大小的 的英文翻译,例句
一定大小的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
size  ·  sizes

更多网络例句与一定大小的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A set of complex Morlet wavelet are applied on projection slice of each direction to decompose each projection into several frequency channels,the average and variance extracted are computed in each frequency channel,and then linear regression model is employed to computer realationship feature between frequency channels.1-D DFT is applied to features and the amplitudes of Fourier coefficient are selected as features,then the extracted features are rotation invariant.


Results are illustrated in charts so that they can be used to assess the uniformity and unidirectivity of the MF inside the sample space with a certain dimension in a Helmholtz coil pair.


The ascent rate decreases with time and the terminal velocity has an extreme value corresponding to bubbles with fixed diameter according to the experiment.


The shuttle-shape and uplifted composite tissues in the middle of residual ear were cut ,and then insert into the vertical incision in the place which the tragus will be made .


The shuttle-shape and uplifted composite tissues in the middle of residual ear were cut ,and then insert into the vertical incision in the place which the tragus will be made. ResultsAll the tragus reconstructed existence perfectly, none of them suffered from necrosis.


The shuttle-shape and uplifted composite tissues in the middle of residual ear were cut ,and then insert into the vertical incision in the place which the tragus will be made. Results All the tragus reconstructed existence perfectly, none of them suffered from necrosis.


It's usually fastened with clips and nails to a metal frame of certain size used for seats or beds; Compared with unstable elastics, it is tensile and flexible with high endurance; moreover, it largely increases the comfort of products. That's why it is widely used in furniture industry.


Evidence from common shore crabs and pied wagtails demonstrates that prey of a size which return the greatest energy reward per unit time are preferred over smaller and larger individuals.


Evidence from common shore crabs and pied wagtails demonstrates that prey of a size which return the greatest energy reward per unit time are preferred over smaller and larger individuals.


Cryotherapy is a unique method based on Joule-Thomson effect which can be divided into two freezing forms: cryoextraction and destruction.


更多网络解释与一定大小的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anion resin:阴离子交换树脂

离子交换树脂分为阳离子交换树脂(cation resin)和阴离子交换树脂(anion resin). 交换容量(exchange capacity)是树脂交换能力大小的标准,可以用重量法和容积法两种方法表示. 一定的吸附剂所吸附物质的数量与此物质的性质及其浓度和温度有关.

antigen processing:抗原处理

1.抗原处理(antigen processing) 指APC细胞将胞浆内自身产生或摄入胞内的抗原消化降解成一定大小的抗原肽片段,以适合与胞内MHC分子结合的过程. 4.细胞免疫应答(cell immunity)免疫细胞发挥清除和破坏抗原性物质的效应称为细胞免疫应答.




分生孢子着生于已分化的分生孢子梗(conidiophore)或具有一定形状的小梗上,也有些真菌的分生孢子就着生在菌丝的顶端. 最普遍. 真菌的无性繁殖见图. (1)卵孢子(oospore) 是由两个大小不同的配子囊结合发育而成. 小型配囊称为雄器(antheridium),

finite element method:有限单元法

1960年美国的克劳夫(Clough)采用此方法进行飞机结构分析时,首次将这种方法起名为"有限单元法"(finite element method),简称"有限元法". 有限单元法的基本思想,是在力学模型上将一个原来连续的物体离散成为有限个具有一定大小的单元,

Show Rulers:标尺可用来测量,对比对象的大小,相对距离等

11. Snap To Grid:当对象靠近网格至一定程度时,自动被吸附至网格线上,用 于精确定位; | 12. Show Rulers:标尺可用来测量,对比对象的大小,相对距离等; | 13. Show Guides:显示向导线,向导线可以起到参照,定位等作用...




的工具箱--工具栏(Toolbox) Lesson 02 放大图片并四处移动 Work 3 设置被选工具的选项栏(Option Bar) Work 4 管理用於帮助操作的各种要素的面板 Lesson 03 设定面板的形状 PART.04 Photoshop必须的检查内容--一定要记住这些内容 Work 1 仔细查看File Browser Work 2 创建指定大小的新工作窗口 02 完全征服可以随意修改图像的

visual angle:视角

值(二)空间辨别眼睛的空间辨别能力即视锐度(visual acuity)表现为觉察目标刺激的存在以及辨别物体细节的准确性.视角(visual angle):离眼睛一定距离的物体的大小与眼睛形成的张角.1、觉察觉察(detection)不要求区分物体各部分的细节,

vapor density:汽密度

蒸汽密度(vapor density)是指在一定温度和压力下气体的密度. 空气每一立方厘米的密度为1,可以作为参考值. 氢气的蒸汽密度为0.60,它是同体积的空气密度的60%. 在同样大小的容器中,氢气的重量会是空气的60%. 低压倾向于用托来表示.