英语人>词典>汉英 : 一同地 的英文翻译,例句
一同地 的英文翻译、例句


en masse
更多网络例句与一同地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the duke went with the abbess and her newly found husband and children into the convent, to hear this happy family discourse at leisure of the blessed ending of their adverse fortunes


StudioIn name of Black, it is a normal restaurant in first floor in the daytime; but converting an allegoric 'corridor' through which you will reach to the thematic area in the second floor since 6 clock in the evening-that is black.


Measure accurately 10 ml of the mecerate and add to it 2 ml of 25% ammonium hydroxide to precipitate solasonine.


There was no vulgar bullying, no bravado of any sort, no choleric hectoring, and striding to and fro across the apartment, jerking out vehement commands for Bartleby to bundle himself off with his beggarly traps.


But everyone at the table has a job to do, and they were doing it. So the group sat and sat, looking glamorous, and after a while, they got in Mr. Roque's limousine and went to the Tunnel, where Mr. Roque danced dispiritedly with one of the girls and then realized he was bored up to his eyeteeth and went home alone.

但是席间的每个人都似乎有事可做,并乐于此道,于是这群人就这么极具魅惑地干坐着,过了一阵子,他们一同坐上Roque先生的豪华轿车前往Tunnel, Roque先生无精打采地和其中一个女孩跳了一会儿舞,而后感觉到自己实在是烦的要命了,才独自一人打道回府。

Notice that we say,"The world ," as opposed to,"your parents'house." Your parents love you very, very much, Class of 2002, but at this stage in their lives, if they could choose between living with you and living with a Labrador retriever4, they quite frankly would go with the Labrador retriever.


Leon quickly got on the dark green van which Chi Chuen was on board; and the van immediately drove away. However, Ah Bee was still waiting for the arrival of Joe Chan, and both of them were carrying big luggage. Soon, Leon's van returned and Ah Bee put on the luggage in the van. Fans silently stood beside the van and they can see Leon's complexion from outside. Suddenly, Leon waved to the fans and fans immediately replied. Leon then did a "sleeping" gesture (put two hands on the side of this cheek), telling them that he has to sleep.


You can make it Dongting Lake, which made the Yangtze River, so that the East China Sea, for you turn waves, and you with loud roar Oh!


If my land cries out against me, And its furrows weep together

31:38 我的地若喊冤控告我,地的犁沟若一同哭泣

Geographically,India shares her place on the map with her adjoining neighbouring countries of Tibet,Nepal and China and her long border extends from Jammu and Kashmir to Himachal Pradesh to Uttar Pradesh,now some parts known as Uttranchal to the Eastern Border States of India(ie.Arunachal Pradesh,Assam etc).

地理科上,天竺和在地图片上与它毗连的西藏、尼泊尔和我国都一同分享着这个大板块藏獒喜欢叫吗,它那长长得国境线,从察漠和克什米尔到Himachal Pradesh一直延伸到华北邦,华东到当前被名为Uttranchal的边防地区(即阿鲁纳察尔邦,阿萨姆邦等)。

更多网络解释与一同地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


along 向前,和. . . 一起,一同 沿着;顺着 | alongside 在旁边 | aloud 大声地


出生地: 希腊 修业地: 希腊圣域 星座: 御夫 (Auriga) 年龄: 17 身高(cm): 183 体重(kg): 80 生日: 8.21 血型: B 回旋飞轮 达迪 (Dante) 与加比拉一同前来的白银圣斗士.




还有一种叫作 Methi 的香料 (此为印地语,英语名不详) 在浸泡一夜之后第二天早上空腹与一杯白脱牛奶 (buttermilk) 一同服下. 这也有助于减轻糖尿病. 如果你担心无法得到足够铁,避免与富铁食物一起吃会影响铁吸收的物质:包括多酚 (诸如茶中的单宁)、phyates (高糠的粗粮,


"日冕"(corona)随黑子的增加或减少而改变形状. 地球上的"磁暴"(magnetic storm)--扰乱无线电信号传输和毁坏一些精密的电子设备的元凶--也和黑子一同增加强度与发生的频率. "极光"(aurora)也在黑子最多时更频繁而壮观地出现.

en masse:全体地,一同地

educationalist n .教育家,教育学者 | en masse 全体地,一同地 | fashionable adj.流行的,时髦的


从细缝中喷射出的急速气流会基于雾沫夹带 (Entrainment)的原理拉扯周围的空气一起向同方向运动,继而一同前进的气流会在圆环背后产生负压,圆环背后的空气也会不断地被吸入以维持前后的压力平衡,气流再次被放大.

Steve Lemme:史蒂夫.雷米

所以行到参照浸染的样本也非无自觅行,凯白.赫夫南供认道: "实反在,那个念法从睹让人们堕进了淡淡地挣扎之外,反在纽约的时开,杰伊.钱恩拉萨卡、艾瑞克.斯图汉斯克(Erik Stolhanske)和史蒂夫.雷米(Steve Lemme)曾校鸡门钟莉颖一同反在一家餐厅挨功工,

magnetic storm:磁暴

地球上的"磁暴"(magnetic storm)--扰乱无线电信号传输和毁坏一些精密的电子设备的元凶--也和黑子一同增加强度与发生的频率. "极光"(aurora)也在黑子最多时更频繁而壮观地出现. 气候则在这周期中会发生少许变化.

spoken English:口语

我不是第一次用英语讲这句话,早在上大学的时候,我在校园英语角就开玩笑地对一同练习"口语"(spoken English)的女生们讲过多次,可是我发誓,在真正的老外女孩子耳朵边轻声地这样说还是第一次.