英语人>词典>汉英 : 折服 的英文翻译,例句
折服 的英文翻译、例句


look up to sb · preach down · bring into submission
更多网络例句与折服相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

French aerialist Philippe Petit wows a crowd in Washington Square Park in New York City .


It's definitely an astounding technique. It's useful and powerful for a whole host of learners.


They are stunning and, at times, awe-inspiring.


No one entered His presence without becoming awe-stricken by His might.


Your loved ones may be astonished at your chutzpah, but they'll also be very impressed by the results.


He gave it me with candour and with a wild eloquence which touched my heart.


Entering the Capel Vale winery restaurant you easily leave the hub of the city behind. Located off the Bussell Highway at Capel Vale the winery restaurant is reminiscent of a southern French farmhouse and as you walk past the scented rose bushes and make your way up the vine canopied walkway to the restaurant you start to surrender to the joie de vivre.


Some cinematic scenes and animation clips to do good, so I have impressed in his editing skills and creativity.


Clyde takes her reaction to mean that he's overwhelming her with his confidence.


Collins explains that these leaders all set up successors for success, are compellingly modest, and have unwavering resolve.


更多网络解释与折服相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She did handle well,making me be impressed by:这家伙自己却处理的很好,令我折服

工作,一想不到的出了状况 job, an unexpected situation | 这家伙自己却处理的很好,令我折服 She did handle well,making me be impressed by | 而我, But I,

John Denver:(约翰.丹佛尔)

80年代北京求学时,当偶儿听到约翰.丹佛尔(John Denver) 的>,就被这种音乐深深折服和迷恋,后来只能在电台有时能听到零零星星有关美国乡村音乐的介绍,直到90年代中期才真正见识了乡村音乐,


[解析]伊丽莎白的性格(disposition)除了活泼调皮以外,是异常坚韧的. 一般的"淑女"听到这里,早就抓狂了. 但是她却到处散播自己的"丑事"!伊丽莎白的性格魅力是我们所折服的. playful 直译的话是贪玩的. 这里作名词性处理成 调皮,很贴切.

garden party:公园派对

2008年,威拉.郝兰德出演了>(Chasing 3000)与>(Garden Party)两部影片. 在>中,威拉的表演还比较青涩,但出众的气质令人折服,希望她能继续走好自己的"青春偶像"之路. 影片简评 没有大牌明星的加盟,


我相信所有观众欣赏完影片后印象最深的一定是美女"杰西卡"(JESSICA)在夜总会歌舞的场景. 这一片段我不知道看了多少次,每一次看都由衷地被导演所折服. 那种传统动画的魅力使我纯条件反射般地全身发抖,大大感慨世界上为什么会有这样完美的动画?

a man of business:(商人)

MELMOTH RECONCILED(折服的梅尔莫斯) | a man of business(商人) | MENEXENUS(门内克西纳斯)

Muriel:穆丽儿......悲痛 苦味 光明

Monica 莫妮卡......顾问 | Muriel 穆丽儿......悲痛 苦味 光明 | Myra 玛拉......令人折服的人 非常好的人


Muriel,穆丽儿希伯来悲痛、苦味;光明. | Murra,玛瑞,盖尔,海员 | Mra,玛拉,拉丁,令人折服的人,非常好的人.

Myra:玛拉 拉丁 令人折服的人,非常好的人

Murray 瑪瑞 蓋爾 海員 | Myra 瑪拉 拉丁 令人折服的人,非常好的人. | Myrna 蜜爾娜 塞爾特 彬彬有禮.

Melmoth Reconciled:(折服的梅尔莫斯)

THE COMMISSION IN LUNACY(疯狂之使) | MELMOTH RECONCILED(折服的梅尔莫斯) | a man of business(商人)