英语人>词典>英汉 : without a hitch的中文,翻译,解释,例句
without a hitch的中文,翻译,解释,例句

without a hitch

without a hitch的基本解释

顺利无阻地, 轻易地

更多网络例句与without a hitch相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Despite annoying problems such as glitches with setting the backup timer for the parachute system, a set of dead batteries in the 8-mm movie camera, and a malfunctional tape-recoder, the launch and recovery went without a hitch.

尽管恼人的问题,如故障与设定的备份计时器为降落伞系统,一套死亡电池在8毫米电影摄影机,和malfunctional磁带recoder ,发射和回收到没有顺利。

Gul Khanum, 11, said her parents were farmers who could not read, but that she hoped one day to become a doctor. Nazia, 10, stood to recite in Pashto a poem about nature, speaking nervously but without a hitch.


Jimmy Proof: there is a bevel at the cylindrical bolt. Once the lock body touches the striker, the bolt will hitch the striker, that's Jimmy Proof. The lock can be operated outside by the key and inside by the key or rotating the knob. A jimmy proof lock usually equips with a security button to prevent opening the door outside without a key .

a。 自碰功能:圆柱锁舌上带有斜面,只要锁体与锁扣板一碰上,锁舌便会钩住,俗称自碰,此时门外必须要用钥匙才能开启,门内则用旋或钥匙进行锁闭或开启;自碰功能锁体中一般都带有保险钮,当需要把门掩上而不锁闭时,则须把保险钮锁上,使锁面斜舌不伸出,门才能自由开关,门外不带钥匙,要想开门是不可能的。

更多网络解释与without a hitch相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

drunken antics:醉酒后的胡闹行为

go off without a hitch 顺利无误 | drunken antics 醉酒后的胡闹行为 | tipsy稍有醉意

Woe betide you:希望某人遭报应

Without a hitch 毫不费力地 | Woe betide you 希望某人遭报应 | Woe is me 我好命苦啊

A: smoothly:順利

綠茶N: green tea | 怪V: to blame | 順利SV: smooth going, without a hitch; A: smoothly; successfully