英语人>词典>英汉 : widdershins的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

widdershins ['widəʃinz]


逆时针地, 左向转动地

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After completing the consecration, close the temple by widdershins circumambulation, doing the Sign of the Enterer when passing the appropriate Tablet.


After completing the consecration, close the temple by widdershins circumambulation, doing the Sign of the Enterer when passing the appropriate Tablet.


The Nazis used it the wrong way round, whirling widdershins, and the Indian pundits always said this was sacrilegious and would doom them.

纳粹用它的错误的方式轮,旋转widdershins ,和印度的专家总是说,这是亵渎,将注定他们。

Beside his heavy-shouldered team thirsty with drought and chilled with rain, he weathered all the striding years till they ran widdershins in his brain: Till the long solitary tracks etched deeper with each lurching load were populous before his eyes, and fiends and angels used this road.


"The canoo whirl ed round, clockwise, then widdershins."


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Willy Widdershins:威利?威德辛(厕所回涌始作俑者,告密者)

78. 厄克特?拉哈罗(掏肠咒发明者) Urquhart Rackharrow | 79. 威利?威德辛(厕所回涌始作俑者,告密者) Willy Widdershins | 80. 杰纳斯?西奇(封闭病房名) Janus Thickey

Willy Widdershins:威利.威德新斯,使厕所回流的罪犯

Everard 埃弗拉德,前任霍格沃茨校长 | Willy Widdershins 威利.威德新斯,使厕所回流的罪犯 | Dilys Derwent 迪莉斯.德文特,前任霍格沃茨校长

Willy Widdershins:威利.威德辛,反麻瓜者

Karkus 卡库斯,巨人前首领 | Golgomath 高高马,巨人新首领 | Willy Widdershins 威利.威德辛,反麻瓜者.

Willy Widdershins:威利.威德辛

厄克特.拉哈罗 Urquhart Rackharrow | 威利.威德辛 Willy Widdershins | 杰纳斯.西奇 Janus Thickey


widdershine 和太阳的运行方向相反 | widdershins 同withershins | wide 宽的

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