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wheat bran的中文,翻译,解释,例句

wheat bran

wheat bran的基本解释


更多网络例句与wheat bran相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By means of electric hydrogenation -atomic absorption spectrophotometer, the seleniumcontets have been determined,analysed and evaluated in 204 samples of twelve grain and grain by-products such as rice, wheat, corn , barley, rape seed cake, cotton seed cake , soybean cake, sesame seed cake, soybean, rice bran, wheat bran and peanut oil cake, etc.


The basic ingredients of wheat bran decortication were determined. The wheat bran decortication of mesh number from 40 to 100 was used to extract dietary fiber.

中文摘 要:以小麦剥皮麸为原料,对其进行基本成分测定,并选取40~100目的剥皮麸,利用双酶分步法制备膳食纤维。

Pentosan prepared from wheat bran was added into two different kind of wheat flour in different amount in order to study the effect of wheat bran pentosan on dough and breadmaking quality .


更多网络解释与wheat bran相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wheat bran:麦麸

采用模拟胃和小肠环境进行体外实验,同时对大白鼠进行体内实验,研究了4种海藻膳食纤维对Cd2+、Pb2+、Hg2+的体内、体外清除效果,并与麦麸(Wheat bran)膳食纤维进行了比较研究.结果表明:(1)在体外模拟实验中,

wheat bran:麸皮

由亚油酸(linoleicacid)、胆固醇(cholesterol)、麸皮(wheat bran)、橄榄萃取物(oliveextracts)和透明质酸(hyaluronicacid)的混合物构成浓缩的屏障修复精华,支持皮肤的天然防护机制、恢复受损的皮肤屏障、锁水保湿的功效,

wheat bran:小麦麸

小麦麸(wheat bran)俗称麸皮,是以小麦籽实为原料加工面粉后的副产品.小麦麸的成分变异较大,主要受小麦品种,制粉工艺,面粉加工精度等因素影响.我国对小麦麸的分类方法较多.按面粉加工精度,可将小麦麸分为精粉麸和标粉麸;按小麦品种,