英语人>词典>英汉 : upcasting的中文,翻译,解释,例句



上抛, 向上投掷之物, 排气竖坑( upcast的现在分词 ), 向上抛的, 向上的

更多网络例句与upcasting相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And upcasting from 'CDerived1 *' to 'CBase1 *' is always safe, thus can be converted trivially.

从'向上转型CDerived1 *'到'CBase1 *'永远是安全的,因此可以转换平凡。

There is upcasting mechanism, it just extracts dictionary of a base class from a dictionary tuple, so you can run a function that requires base class from a function that requires subclass


The rest of the code works the same. It doesn't matter if you are upcasting to a "regular" class called Instrument , an abstract class called Instrument , or to an interface called Instrument . The behavior is the same.

剩余部分的代码还是一样的运转执行,不管将对象上传转化为了普通的 Instrument 类或者 Instrument 的抽象类都无不影响程序正常运行。

I.play;} static void tuneAll(Instrument3 e){ for(int i = 0; i e.length; i++) tune;} public static void main { Instrument3 orchestra = new Instrument3[5]; int i = 0;// Upcasting during addition to the array: orchestra = new Wind3; orchestra = new Percussion3; orchestra = new Stringed3; orchestra = new Brass3; orchestra = new Woodwind3; tuneAllorchestra
