英语人>词典>英汉 : unimaginatively的中文,翻译,解释,例句


更多网络例句与unimaginatively相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sharing the stage with the new LaCrosse here in Shanghai is a new Buick concept, an MPV rather unimaginatively named Business Concept.


The stage sets were designed rather unimaginatively.


Thefault,instead, is with the unimaginatively static pricing on thepart ofthe FOOD retailers.


Then Microsoft rewrote Windows Mobile and its new guise - unimaginatively called Windows Mobile 6.5 - has borrowed a lot from the iPhone's look and feel.

而后微软重写了Windows Mobile,新的系统被毫无想象力的称作'Windows Mobile 6.5',它的很多用户体验借鉴自iPhone。

The company has enough to do at home anyway -- defending its 73% share of the Chinese mobile market, rolling out 3G technology and battling the coming release of Apple's i-Phone with its own, unimaginatively titled Ophone.

不管怎样,中国移动在国内也有足够的事情要做──保住其在国内移动市场73%的份额,推出3G 技术,还要凭借其自有的 Ophone对抗即将发布的苹果 iPhone 。

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