英语人>词典>英汉 : trend of thought的中文,翻译,解释,例句
trend of thought的中文,翻译,解释,例句

trend of thought

trend of thought的基本解释


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Part i tries to track to the history of education trend of thought of anarchism in china . it includes 4 phases : introduction ( the end of 19 century - 1902 ), development ( 1902 ~ 1911 ), bloom ( 1912 ~ 1921 ), eclipse ( 1921 - 1927 ). part n analyses education ideas of the faction of china anarchism . lt includes tian yi faction , new century faction , min sheng faction , the faction of anarchical communism . part hi puts forward my evalution form there different angles . generally speaking , it had special significance in special time . even though it had many flaws , it is important for us to value education trend of thought of china anarchism

主要包括四个方面:无政府主义的产生与传入( 19世纪下半叶1902年);无政府主义教育思潮的形成( 1902年1911年);无政府主义教育思潮的全盛( 1912年1921年);无政府主义教育思j兑回在a硕士字位论父wmaster ' sthesis潮的衰落92年1927年l通过对其历史的回眸,可以清晰地了解无政府主义教育思潮在中国各个时期的特点及发生变化的原因,揭示它的流变轨迹及其对中国教育思想影响的深度和广度,从而使国人充分地认识和了解无政府主义教育思潮在特定的历史时期所发挥的特殊的历史作用。

Also its status and significance in the literature structure in 1930s are explored from the angle of its imbroglio relationship with the literature trend of thought of that time, with the relationship between the periodical and the literature trend of thought as well as the function and significance of the periodical in the literature trend of thought as focus of attention.


From the point of view of academic trend of thought,"the study of new social history", as a kind of new historiographic thoughts, and the holistic trend of the western historiography, almost simultaneously came forth on the stage of contemporary international historiography.
