英语人>词典>英汉 : track brake的中文,翻译,解释,例句
track brake的中文,翻译,解释,例句

track brake

track brake的基本解释


更多网络例句与track brake相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It can measure the brake clearance of hoister of coal mine,track the brake actions and display the clearance value in real time,and alarm when the clearance value goes beyond the demand of the coal mine security rules.


The products include front and rear axle assembly, transmission assembly, brake assembly, track and saddle assembly and chassis and so on, altogether more than 1000 kinds of parts.

产品包括前后桥总成、变速箱总成、制动器总成、牵引鞍座总成和汽车底盘等各种零配件 1000 余种。

Rope that drives suspension coop intense, the pressure of brake toward guiding track disappear, the brake block separate with the guiding track.


更多网络解释与track brake相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

track brake:轨面上车器

track bolt washer | 轨道螺 栓垫圈 \\r\\n | track brake | 轨面上车器 \\r\\n | track cable | 吊车缆索 \\r\\n

track brake:轨道制动器,轨制动器

track brace ==> 轨距拉条 | track brake ==> 轨道制动器,轨制动器 | track broom ==> 电车轨道扫帚

track brake:鋼軌制動裝置

9566 track bolt 軌道魚尾螺栓 | 9567 track brake 鋼軌制動裝置 | 9568 track button 股道按鈕

track brake WESTBANK:轨面上车器

track bolt washer WESTBANK 轨道螺 栓垫圈 | track brake WESTBANK 轨面上车器 | track cable WESTBANK 吊车缆索

magnetci track brake:磁性轨道制动器

magnet-winding ==> 电磁铁绕组 | magnetci track brake ==> 磁性轨道制动器 | magnetic ==> 磁的,磁学的

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