英语人>词典>英汉 : tolerance region的中文,翻译,解释,例句
tolerance region的中文,翻译,解释,例句

tolerance region

tolerance region的基本解释


更多网络例句与tolerance region相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For every kind of tolerance of every region at anytime, the last reason of the state and society to pay a lot of cost to establish, develop, and uphold the tolerance institutions is that tolerance can benefit the whole state and society.


Secondly, ephemeral gully erosion in the spring is a little serverer than that in the summer, and soil loss in the spring is 56% of annual value of ephemeral gully ersoion which is 1.8 times of soil loss tolerance in the region.


The detailed processing and analysis of the experimental results indicate that the color discrimination characteristics of human eyes are different for individual color regions and directions in the a*-b* plane,and namely the CIE1976 a*-b* plane is visually non-uniform. The visual color tolerance in the third and fourth quadrants is smaller than the first and second quadrants, the biggest tolerance is in the region of high chroma orange, and the smallest is in blue.


By optimizing the culture conditions, the present work developed for the first time an efficient system for inducing embryogenic callus formation and plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis from both dune reed, an ecotype with drought tolerance growing in desert region of northwestern China and local swamp reed .


Themethod combines the deterministic optimization technique with the orthogonaloptimal experiment method to change the 2 ̄n vertices of the tolerance region into(n+1)constraint conditions,and uses nondifferent...

该方法应用确定性方法和正交最优化方法相结合,将容差域的2 ̄n个顶点离散为n+1个约束条件,并利用不可微规划直接得到DCTT问题的最优解。

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更多网络解释与tolerance region相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tolerance region:容许区域

tolerance limit 容许界限 | tolerance region 容许区域 | top digit 最高位数字

tolerance region:容差域

耐早性:drought tolerance | 容差域:Tolerance Region | 耐胆汁:Bile-tolerance

statistical tolerance region:统计允差域

统计允差界限 statistical tolerance limit | 统计允差域 statistical tolerance region | 统计单位 statistical unit

statistical tolerance region:统计容许域

statistical tolerance limits 统计允许极限 | statistical tolerance region 统计容许域 | strain tolerance 应变公差

sequential tolerance region:逐次允差区域

逐次检定 sequential test | 逐次允差区域 sequential tolerance region | 序列丛聚;序列群聚 serial cluster