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theological seminary的中文,翻译,解释,例句

theological seminary

theological seminary的基本解释


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Lyman Abbott, in an address delivered before the Alumni of Bangor Theological Seminary, said:"We are coming to think of God as dwelling in man rather than as operating on men from without."


Jim has pastored Covenant Presbyterian Church, a congregation of nearly 2,000 members, while also teaching as an adjunct professor at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.


He graduated from UC-Berkeley's Haas School of Business and worked as a manager of marketing information systems after graduation in 1997 before he confirmed his calling to serve God full-time in 2002. His wife Nina and he moved to Dallas for seminary training in Summer 2002. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in Spring 2006 with a Master of Theology in pastoral leadership before he came to CCCBR to serve as the English Minister in Summer 2007. He was ordinated on November 22, 2009 as the English Pastor at CCCBR.


更多网络解释与theological seminary相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

divinity school; theological college; theological seminary:神学院

神学校|Theological seminary | 神学院|divinity school; theological college; theological seminary | 神学教育|theological education

theological seminary:神学院

在美国,神学院有两种,一种为"神学系或宗教系"(Divinity School),是办在大学里的神学院;另一种是神学院(Theological Seminary),通常是福音派的. 但福音派的神学院的经济只能刚刚够用,如在三一神学院念神学,申请他们的奖学金比较难.

theological seminary:神学校

消极适应|negative adaptation | 神学校|Theological seminary | 神学院|divinity school; theological college; theological seminary