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tartar emetic的中文,翻译,解释,例句

tartar emetic

tartar emetic的基本解释


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Infected mice were treated with tartar emetic given by mouth for 2 weeks.


In guinea pigs, procaine showed no protection against the acute mortality from tartar emetic.


In white mice, intraperitoneal injections of mixture of procaine (70 mg/ kg/day) and tartar emetic for 14 days reduced the toxicity of tartar emetic, raising the LD_(50) of the latter from 35 to 45 mg/kg/day.

一 普鲁卡因(70毫克/千克/天)和吐酒石混合腹腔注射小白鼠14天,能减低吐酒石之毒性,使吐酒石LD_(50)从35升至今5毫克/千克/天。

Clinically most of the deaths from tartar emetic intoxication were due to cardiac impairment,and animal experiments also demonstrated depression of the heart.


In rabbits infected with Schistosoma japonicum, intravenous injections of mixture of procaine (10 mg/kg/day) and tartar emetic for 14 days could increase the therapeutic activities of tartar emetic.


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tartar emetic:吐酒石

防治方法:据日本熊本县经验,采用吐酒石(tartar emetic)加糖的水溶液喷布,对扑灭此虫很成功. 方法是吐酒石8g,糖40g和水1800ml混合使用,可足够6亩果园的诱杀用量. 在目前,国内的防治措施中除了采摘和搜集落地虫果之外,比较有效的杀

tartar emetic:吐酒石(即酒石酸锑钾)

010164 酮 Ketones | C010068 吐酒石(即酒石酸锑钾) tartar emetic | 010541 钨酸 Tungstic acid

tartar emetic:吐酒石,酒石酸锑钾

眼睑板 tarsus of eyelid | 吐酒石,酒石酸锑钾 tartar emetic | 味觉 taste

tartar emetic:酒石酸锑钾

Sulphur 硫磺 | Tartar emetic 酒石酸锑钾 | Tau-Fluvalinate 氟胺氰菊酯

Tartar emetic ointment:吐酒石软膏

蒲公英根 Taraxacum root | 吐酒石软膏 Tartar emetic ointment | 酒石酸 Tartaric acid

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