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tariff law的中文,翻译,解释,例句

tariff law

tariff law的基本解释


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Under the c ondition of WTO ,technology and tariff vallation make pace for law vallatio n.


Tariff law is formulated by sovereign state based on its need of economy and politics and general and specific policies.


The disagreement over the law of protective tariff thus drove a wedge between the Southern States on one side and the NorthernStates on the other.


Article 114 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall maintain the status of a free port and shall not impose any tariff unless otherwise prescribed by law.


American trade law substituted for its tariff law.


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customs tariff law:海关关税法

1961年,在加入GATT 6年后,日本在其<<海关关税法>>(Customs Tariff Law)中增加了一个条款(第9条第2款),开始有了关于保障措施的规定,该条款旨在对国内产业由于实行贸易自由化而引起的进口的急剧增加进行保护.

customs tariff law:关税法

海关法(CUSTOMS LAW)、海关关税法(CUSTOMS TARIFF LAW)及临时关税法(TEMPORARY TARIFF LAW)是日本海关关税政策与行政管理的基本法律条文. 日本海关及关税局设1名局长,两名副局长. 下设六个处(协...

customs tariff law:关税税法

customs schedule 关税率表 | customs tariff law 关税税法 | customs tariff 关税率;海关税则