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synodical [si'nɔdikəl]


会议的, 讨论会的

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It is interesting to emphasize another form of the Synodical system, which accentuates the importance of Tradition: the Eucharist itself.


Indeed, at the time, and under the peculiar circumstances obtaining in New England in 1637, the synodical condemnation of Mrs.

事实上,在时间,并根据特殊情况下,获得在新英格兰在1637年, synodical谴责夫人哈钦森不属于短期的民事判决。

We made investigation and the god-fearing and reverent Valerian produced a synodical document concerning these people, which had been drawn up in great Constantinople in the time of Sisinnius of blessed memory.

我们取得了调查和敬畏上帝和虔诚的缬草synodical文件制作了一个关於这些人,这已经制订了在伟大的君士坦丁堡的时间 Sisinnius 的幸福记忆。

We all agreed, as did the most religious bishops Valerian and Amphilochius and all the pious bishops of the provinces of Pamphylia and Lycaonia, that what had been inscribed in the synodical document should be confirmed and in no way disobeyed, clearly without prejudice to the acts of Alexandria .

我们都同意,也最宗教主教缬草和Amphilochius和所有虔诚的主教省潘菲利亚和 Lycaonia ,这是什麼已登记的synodical文件应证实,绝不服从,显然不妨碍行为亚历山大。

The Council of Chalcedon has accepted the synodical letters of the blessed Cyril, pastor of the church in Alexandria, to Nestorius and to the Orientals, as being well-suited to refuting Nestorius's mad folly and to providing an interpretation for those who in their religious zeal might desire understanding of the saving creed.

安理会的卡尔西已经接受了synodical来信得天独厚的Cyril ,牧师教会在亚历山德里亚,以涅斯多留和东方人,是非常适合批驳涅斯多留的疯狂愚蠢,并提供了一个解释这些谁在他们的宗教热情可能渴望了解节约的信条。

更多网络解释与synodical相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


synodic 相合的 | synodical 相合的 | synonym 同义字


synodic /会议的/会合的/ | synodical /会议的/会合的/ | synoeciosis /片利共生/

synodical:宗教会议的; 会合的; 会议的 (形)

synodal 宗教会议的; 讨论会的; 教会会议的 (形) | synodic 相合的 (形) | synodical 宗教会议的; 会合的; 会议的 (形)

synodical month:朔望月

synodic periods 会合周期;朔望周期 | synodical month 朔望月 | synodical periods 朔望月

synodical month:朔望月,會合月

"会合周","synodic revolution" | "朔望月,会合月","synodical month" | "天气一览图","synoptic chart"

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