英语人>词典>英汉 : superficial zone的中文,翻译,解释,例句
superficial zone的中文,翻译,解释,例句

superficial zone

superficial zone的基本解释

[医] 浅区, 浅层(大脑)

更多网络例句与superficial zone相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to these experimental results quantitative models for foam drayage and relationship among superficial gas velocity, gas hold-up in bubble zone and surfactant concentration were obtained.


But as a result of traditional ideas's influence, many examinees has an obvious understanding erroneous zone to this specialty, thought that the observation technology is with the set square, the straightedge and so on instrument carries on the strenuous difficult survey, actually this is only the very simple understanding, is also the very superficial mistake.


Special staining methods, such as Masson and the Van Gieson staining were used to study the distribution of collogen fibers and elastic fibers. ResultsBy HE staining, the subepithelial connective tissues and vessels in the pterygium were more prominent than normal conjunctival tissues. An amorphous subepithelial superficial hyalinized zone and coarse eosinophilic granular materials were observed in the pterygia, but they were not found in normal conjunctival specimens. Coarse fibers were visible only in the deeper subepithelial connective tissues of pterygial samples. With Masson′s staining, the dense staining of collagen fibers was also more prominent in the pterygium than in the subepithelial connective tissues of normal conjunctiva. Abnormal collagen fibers were visible in the deeper sub-epithelial connective tissues of pterygial samples. With Van Gieson staining, abnormal collagen fibers were visible in the deeper subepithelial connective tissues. Dark coarse elastic fibers were found in the abnormal fibers only in the subepithelial deep connective tissues of pinguecula in the pterygia but not in the conjunctiva. With immunohistochemistry staining, MMP-3 was strong in the pterygial epithelium, moderate in fibroblast and absent from pterygial vascular walls. LN was strongly expressed in the blood vessel wall, moderately in the epithelial basement membrane and absent from the entire stroma.

结果HE染色:翼状胬肉组织上皮下基质中存在结缔组织的增生和血管形成;基质浅层存在一无定形物质透明区及粗糙的颗粒样嗜酸性物质,在翼状胬肉体部深层基质中存在粗糙的纤维组织;正常球结膜组织细胞排列整齐;基质为疏松结缔组织,胶原纤维平行排列,其间可见成纤维细胞,散在少量中性粒细胞、毛细血管;Masson染色:翼状胬肉浅层基质中存在致密的胶原纤维染色,深层基质中的胶原纤维存在变性样改变;VG染色:翼状胬肉组织深层基质中存在大量变性的胶原纤维,其间夹杂黑色的弹性纤维;免疫组化染色法:MMP-3在翼状胬肉上皮细胞中呈强表达,成纤维细胞中呈中等强度表达,血管内皮细胞中未见表达;LN在血管壁中呈强表达,在上皮细胞基底膜中呈中等强度表达,在整个基质中未见明显表达;col Ⅲ在整个翼状胬肉基质中呈强表达。