英语人>词典>英汉 : sub judice的中文,翻译,解释,例句
sub judice的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sub judice

sub judice的基本解释

<拉>在审判中, 尚未决定

更多网络例句与sub judice相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Case'.'' because it is still sub judice.


The papers cannot report the case because it is still sub judice.


While we all know that there have been investigations and certain allegations have been made public, at the moment I believe that the issue is sub judice.


Sub judice .例句: The trial has just gone on for three days, whatever is said in court is sub judice. No one is allowed to talk about it in public.


The present cases while still being sub judice, shall determine the further course of action vis-à-vis the enforcement of intellectual property rights by customs officials.


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更多网络解释与sub judice相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sub judice:在审判中;尚未判决

strike insurance 罢工保险 | sub judice 在审判中;尚未判决 | subject 主体;标的

sub judice:审理中的;尚未判决的;在法庭中

stupefying drugs 迷幻药 | sub judice 审理中的;尚未判决的;在法庭中 | subcontract 转包合同;分包合同

sub judice:待审

SUAZO FERNANDEZ, Marco Antonio;马科.安东尼奥.苏阿索.费尔南德斯;; | sub judice;待审;; | sub rosa;秘密地; 暗中;;

sub judice:尚未决定; 悬案

sub 作替身, 替代 (动) | sub judice 尚未决定; 悬案 | sub par 次等的, 比一般水平低一点, 比实际价格低一些的 (经济用语)