英语人>词典>英汉 : state religion的中文,翻译,解释,例句
state religion的中文,翻译,解释,例句

state religion

state religion的基本解释


更多网络例句与state religion相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here's a sample from the postbag of the Editor of the magazine Freethought Today, published by the Freedom from Religion Foundation, which campaigns peacefully against the undermining of the constitutional separation of church and state

这有一封来自《今日自由思想》的编者的邮箱内。该杂志由从宗教中解脱组织( Freedom from Religion Foundation, FFRF )出版,该组织和平地抗议那些危害政教分离的措施。

Roman Catholicism had been the state religion and the only one __11__ by the Spanish crown, __12__ most leaders sought to maintain Catholicism __13__ the official religion of the new states, some sough to end the __14__ of other faiths.


According to science of Yo of complete state religion the program heads group office " teach science about whole nation of make known to lower levels " 915 " the announcement of program task "(teach division program to handle case [2008]003 date), by prexy Professor Cheng Jianlong, doctor is chaired those who declare " the demonstration of managerial mode of school of traffic high post studies " education of classics whole nation plans scientificly to lead series of group course program to evaluate, science of Yo of complete state religion plans to lead a group to approve, education of the whole nation that be labelled is scientific " 915 " 2008 year of program plan task.

概要: 根据全国教育科学规划领导小组办公室《有关下达全国教育科学&十一五&规划课题的通知》(教科规划办函[2008]003号),由学院院长盛建龙教授、博士主持申报的《交通高职院校办学模式的实证探究》经全国教育科学规划领导小组学科规划组评审,全国教育科学规划领导小组批准,被列为全国教育科学&十一五&规划2008年度规划课题。

更多网络解释与state religion相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

state religion:国教

国家可以全面支持某一宗教、将之擢升至国教(state religion)的地位,或藉助宗教的观念来强化其统治的合法基础. 第二、意识形态(ideology). 一方面,宗教教义可以受到政治意识型态的影响,与之调适,并产生变化. 第三、宗教与政治领域的互动,

state religion:国家宗教

事实上,宗教和政治权力结合变成"国家宗教"(state religion)是为"政教合一";把宗教和政治权力剥离开来是为"政教分离",而此时的宗教就变成了"国民宗教"(nation religion)或者"公民宗教"(citizen religion).

the syncretism of the state and religion:政教合一

政教分离:the separation of the state and religion | 政教合一:the syncretism of the state and religion | 宗教与道德的困境:The religion and moral dilemma