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I even believe that bookish knowledge can hinder one's instincts, making art a rootless plant or sourceless water.


In Jean Baudrillard's post-modernist philosophy simulation is no longer a simulation of a thing or essence. Simulators strived hard to make a real object or all objects the same as the simulation. The simulation itself also served as the process for creating "Sourceless objective existence".


A number of sourceless cores, UC HII regions and their physical parameters were obtained. Initial conditions of masive star formation were inspected. This provided samples for further larger observations.

对用MSX、IRAS选取的一批样品进行CO及其同位素成图观测研究,获得了无源云核、原恒星云核及UC HII区云核及其物理参量,考察大质量恒星形成初始条件,同时为更大规模脉泽观测准备样品。

更多网络解释与sourceless相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sourceless seismic exploration:无源地震勘探

Snell seismic trace 斯奈尔地震道 | sourceless seismic exploration 无源地震勘探 | stratigraphic seismic 地层地震的

sourceless seismic exploration:无源震波探勘

波源讯符研究 source-signature study | 无源震波探勘 sourceless seismic exploration | 南美板块 South American Plate