英语人>词典>英汉 : sober-blooded的中文,翻译,解释,例句



冷静的, 漠不关心的

更多网络例句与sober-blooded相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kaldi was a sober, responsible goatherd whose goats were also sober, if not responsible.


Sedation score used Ramsay Scale (Ramsay Scale: 1-sober, anxious orrestless or both; 2-sober, cooperative, orientated and tranquil; 3-sober, responding tocommands; 4-sleep, brisk response to stimutus such as percus on glabellum or loudauditory stimulus; 5-sleep, sluggish response to stimulus; 6-sleep, no response tostimulus).

镇静评分采用Ramsay评分(Ramsay Scale:1,清醒,焦虑和易激惹,或不安,或两者都有;2,清醒,能合作,定位感好,平静;3,清醒,只对指令应;4,睡眠对眉间轻叩或大的听觉刺激反应轻快;5,睡眠,对眉间轻叩或大的听觉刺激反应迟缓;6,睡眠,对眉间轻叩或大的听觉刺激无反应。)。

In our SOBER System, the Positive Messages Process is the consolidation process after you review your past event, relationship and beliefs during hypnosis. You gain new understanding after the review and you make your new understanding concrete through verbalizing them out. These concrete positive messages become your new beliefs. We can't just delete our old beliefs by not believing in something, but we can only replace the old beliefs with new ones. You believe in something else instead!


更多网络解释与sober-blooded相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


sober 冷静的 | sober-blooded 冷静的 | sober-minded 镇定的