英语人>词典>英汉 : smoke-box的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与smoke-box相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You don't know who you messing with, Smoke Dog, nigger.

你不知道你招惹的是谁是Smoke Dog 那黑鬼

So the corn oil methyl ester biodiesel used in this study that is made from transesterification reaction. After diesel engine experiment, experimental results demonstrated that using corn oil methyl ester biodiesel, which is based on no influence of engine performance has higher BSFC and the concentration of than premium diesel about 11.99% and 11.06%, respectively. Moreover, its emission concentration of Smoke and HC are lower than premium diesel about 52.47% and 16.51%, respectively.


In Carbolic Smoke Ball Co Ltd(1893), the defendants issued an advertisement in which they offered to pay £100 to any person who used their smoke balls and then succumbed to influenza.

Carlill诉Carbolic Smoke Bell Co Ltd(1893)一案中,被告发出一份广告,声称他将对那些使用过烟丸仍患上流感的人支付100英镑。

更多网络解释与smoke-box相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

smoke the calumet together:和睦相处

smoke screen 烟幕 | smoke the calumet together 和睦相处 | smoke the pipe of peace 讲和

smoke defilade:烟光遮蔽高

smoke defenses 烟幕掩护 | smoke defilade 烟光遮蔽高 | smoke deflector 折烟器

smoke detector:烟感器

BS-710高智能高性能光电式烟感器(Smoke Detector)产品名称:BS-710高智能高性能光电式烟感器(Smoke Detector)产品型号:BS-710高智能高性能光电式烟感器(Smoke Detector)BS-710高智能高性能光电式烟感器(Smoke Detector)