英语人>词典>英汉 : significant interval的中文,翻译,解释,例句
significant interval的中文,翻译,解释,例句

significant interval

significant interval的基本解释

有效时间, 有效间隔, 主要间隔

更多网络例句与significant interval相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the LC-P line of each of insecticide in the mixture and the formula of co-toxicity factor, several expected mortality and the region of additive action (expected mortality±20% expected mortality) were calculated, and according to observed mortality of mixture, the 95% confidence interval was calculated, LC-P line of expected mortality with the region of additive action and LC-P line of observed mortality with the 95% confidence interval were drawn, it was found that there was overlap between the region of additive action and 95% confidence interval and two lines crossed each other when co-toxicity coefficient was more than 100 and the co-toxicity factor was less than 20, which meant there was no significant differences between expected mortality and observed mortality, and that there was on or a few overlap between the region of additive action and 95% confidence interval when co-toxicity coefficient was more than 100 and the co-toxicity factor was more than 20 or co-toxicity coefficient was less than 100 and the co-toxicity factor was less than 20, which meant there was significant differences between expected mortality and observed mortality.


The results were summarized as follows:(1) the 4-week interval retest reliability for the Decidedness, Comfort, and Reasons scales were .69,.80, and .89, respectively, and for the subscales of the Reasons scale ranged between .78 and .85;(2) the alpha coefficients for the three scales were .85,.91,.97, and for the subscales of the Reasons scale ranged between .78 and .93;(3) there was a positive correlation between the Decidedness scale and the Comfort scale, and both scales were negatively correlated with the Reasons scale;(4) career indecision was found to be correlated as expected with state-trait anxiety, career beliefs, and perceived career barriers;(5) there were no significant differences between social science group and natural science group;(6) the only significant gender difference was found on the Career Choice Importance scale of the Reasons scale; and (7) there were significant grade differences on all the CCFI scale scores, with higher school grade level students showing greater decidedness.

本量表共分三部分:定向量表,安适量表及原因量表。其中,原因量表尚包含「环境资讯」、「抉择时机」、「双趋冲突」、「焦虑犹豫」、「科系因素」、「外在阻力」及「自我认识」七个分量表。做答方式采六点计分,从「非常不符合」到「非常符合」。信度方面,间隔四周的再测信度,定向量表为。69,安适量表为。80,原因量表为。89(分量表介於。78至。85间)。Cronbach alpha系数,定向量表为。85,安适量表为。91,原因量表为。97(分量表介於。78至。93间)。在效度方面,定向量表与安适量表呈显著正相关(r=。67);两量表与原因量表呈显著负相关(r=-。77及-。75);原因量表各分量表的内部相关低於各分量表与总分的相关。大学生的生涯定向程度、对生涯定向状态的安适程度及生涯未定向原因的类型三者与特质焦虑、情境焦虑、生涯信念及职业抉择阻力有关。

Results: B6-Co mice showed higher sterile rate, and significant lower average litter size and survival rate at weaning than the normal B6 mice, but the time interval between deliveries was shorter in the mutant population. During the first two weeks after birth, the growth performances were not significant between the mutant mice and the normal ones, but after that, the mutant mice grew much slower. The differences were significant in the indexes of eyes, lungs, thymuses, and adrenal glands between the genders. At the same time, the differences were significant in the organ indexes, such as lungs, adrenal glands, uterine and testicles between the normal phenotype mutant mice and the abnormal ones. And these two kinds of mice showed different amount of hemoglobin and red blood cell.


更多网络解释与significant interval相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


restorative 恢复药 | feral 恢复野生习性的 | significant interval of restitution 恢复有效间隔