英语人>词典>英汉 : short squeeze的中文,翻译,解释,例句
short squeeze的中文,翻译,解释,例句

short squeeze

short squeeze的基本解释

围堵, 空头轧平

更多网络例句与short squeeze相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This was just a short squeeze of absolute epic proportions,' said Stephen Schork, author of a daily energy market report and a former Nymex floor trader.


This gold-price expansion, set off by the massive short squeeze, will continue until gold prices reflect gold supply and Federal Reserve liabilities in circulation.

这 场由大规模轧空引发的黄金价格上涨将持续到黄金价格能反映黄金供应和美联储流通负债为止。

The fluid film bearing-flexible rotor nonlinear system with squeeze film damper is modeled practically using the finite element method and the Hamilton principle.(3) The film forces produced by fluid film bearing and squeeze film damper are determined by finite element method at any moment, and the Jacobian matrix is also determined.(4) A method for analyzing the dynamics of a large system with local nonlinearities is presented. The stability and bifurcation of the equilibrium position and the unbalance responce of a fluid film bearing-flexible rotor system with squeeze film damper are investigated based on the assumption of an incompressible lubricant together with the long bearing approximation for fluid film bearing, short bearing approximation for squeeze film damper and the"π"film cavitation model.


更多网络解释与short squeeze相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

short term borrowings:短期举债;短期借贷

short squeeze 挾倉 | short term borrowings 短期舉債;短期借貸 | short-dated securities 短期證券

take sb. up short:唐突地打断(某人)的话 突然袭击某人, 使大吃一惊

squeeze the shorts (交易所)轧空头, 迫使卖空者用高价补进 | take sb. up short 唐突地打断(某人)的话 突然袭击某人, 使大吃一惊 | short and sweet [口]直截了当; 简短扼要