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sharpening stone的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sharpening stone

sharpening stone的基本解释


更多网络例句与sharpening stone相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

High quality ceramic mounted stone with handle, diamond plated products, emery abrasive cream, alumina fiber sharpening stone, spring rubber polishing mounted stone, precision spring rubber polishing mounted stone, precision wool polishing mounted stone, high qualiy precision polishing cream.

中国·浙江省台州长市一砂磨具厂 China Zhejiang Taizhou Yisha Grind Factory 8D50 高档陶瓷带柄砂轮磨头、金刚石电镀制品、金刚石研磨膏、氧化铝纤维油石、弹性海绵抛光磨头、弹性精密橡胶抛光磨头、高精羊毛抛光磨头、高精抛光膏。

I sharpened it with a diamond knife sharpening stone, and it's good for getting the membrane out.


If without the moon, one can see fire from the knife sharpening on the stone; if there was the moon, one can see dazzling gleam on the blade.


更多网络解释与sharpening stone相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sharpening Stone:磨刀石

这些石头还可以用来制造直接用来打磨武器,提升伤害值的磨刀石(Sharpening Stone)和用来增加钝头武器头部重量的加重石(Weighing Stone). 宝石也是在挖矿的时候挖到的,当然几率会比挖到石头小很多. 偶尔也可以从怪物身上得到.

Sharpening Stone:磨石

sharpening machine 修磨机 | sharpening stone 磨石 | sharpie 平底轻帆船

Sharpening Stone:油石

sharp edge 锐边 | Sharpening Stone 油石 | Sharpness 清晰度