英语人>词典>英汉 : set a question的中文,翻译,解释,例句
set a question的中文,翻译,解释,例句

set a question

set a question的基本解释

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And she has really set a new direction for the institution that really encourages the kind of ambitiousness and a kind of turning dreams into realities that your question implies.


Let F be a bijection from set A to set B. Denote M={a Aa F}. If in a theory that ME B is legitimate, then the question m E M?

令F是从集合A到集合B的双射,记M=aAaF,如果在某个理论中M B是合法的则问题m M?

Two years before the French revolution of 1848, the French printer, politician, writer, anarchist and son of a barrel maker, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, wrote a letter to Marx:"let us not set ourselves up as the leaders of a new intolerance, let us not pose as the apostles of a new religion even though this religion be the religion of logic itself. Let us welcome, let us encourage all the protests, let us condemn all the exclusions, all the mysticism; let us never regard a question closed, and even after we have exhausted our last argument, let us begin again, if necessary, with eloquence and irony."


更多网络解释与set a question相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

set a paper:出试题

David never asks question.He just peddles his papers. 大卫什么也没问,只管自己的事. | 2.Set a paper 出试题 | 3.paperhanging 墙纸

David never asks question.He just peddles his papers:大卫什么也没问,只管自己的事

1.Peddle one's papers 不管闲事 | David never asks question.He just peddles his papers. 大卫什么也没问,只管自己的事. | 2.Set a paper 出试题

Well, then why're you dead-set on... Can I ask you a question:嗯 那你为啥对她发动猛攻... 能问个问题吗

Great. She's a free agent. What do I care?|很... | Well, then why're you dead-set on... Can I ask you a question?|嗯 那你为啥对她发动猛攻... 能问个问题吗? | You may. What's the point of sitting on the f...