英语人>词典>英汉 : sequential system的中文,翻译,解释,例句
sequential system的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sequential system

sequential system的基本解释

[计] 时序系统

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It is a kind of formative education with a scientific,timely and sequential system.


An infeasible sequential system of linear equations filter algorithm is presented to solve this type of problem.


To insure safety in the refining process, sequential control system and interlock protection system are designed and realized.


We chose the method of sequential control in the system.


In many fields, such as motor control, communication system and sequential control systems,high accuracy synehronization is the base of the control systems.

本文基于IEEE 1588高精度时间同步方式对该课题进行了研究,对IEEE 1588同步方式和实际系统中存在的问题进行了剖析。

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更多网络解释与sequential system相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sequential system:序列式系统

sequential search 顺序搜寻 | sequential system 序列式系统 | sequential transfer 顺序传输

sequential system:顺序系统

sequential stroke character generator ==> 序列线段字符产生器 | sequential system ==> 顺序系统 | sequential test ==> 顺序检验

sequential system:逐次系统

逐次随机规画 sequential stochastic programming | 逐次系统 sequential system | 逐次检定;序贯试验;序贯测试 sequential test

frame sequential system:帧序彩色电视系统

frame seeding ==> 温床播种 | frame sequential system ==> 帧序彩色电视系统 | frame set ==> 框式支架

field sequential system:场顺序制,半帧序制

field sequential color television ==> 场序制彩色电视机 | field sequential system ==> 场顺序制,半帧序制 | field service ==> 现场使用,野战勤务

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