英语人>词典>英汉 : sea staff的中文,翻译,解释,例句
sea staff的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sea staff

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Through the years to fight the sea and internal staff work hard to complete the original accumulation of capital and has shown good momentum of sustainable development.


Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute 'Future Maritime Operations' conference in London on 22 November, Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band said that while the RN had previously insisted on configuring its forces for high-intensity warfighting, the "financial and security" realities had persuaded him that there was a case for a larger number of less capable units for tasking in support of maritime interdiction and constabulary operations.

11月22日,在伦敦的皇家联合服务研究所'未来海事行动&会议中发言的海军参谋长兼海军元帅Jonathon Band 谈到皇家海军先前虽然坚持要把打造一支适应高强度的作战行动的部队,但是&国家金融和安全的现实情况迫使他留下大量战斗力较弱的舰只并把它们投入到执行海事封锁及实施治安行动之类的任务中去。

Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute 'Future Maritime Operations' conference in London on 22 November, Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band said that while the RN had previously insisted on configuring its forces for high-intensity warfighting, the "financial and security" realities had persuaded him that there was a case for a larger number of less capable units for tasking in support of maritime interdiction and constabulary operations.

11月22日,在伦敦的皇家联合服务研究所'未来海事行动&会议中发言的海军参谋长兼海军元帅Jonathon Band 谈到皇家海军先前虽然坚持要把打造一支适应高强度的作战行动的部队,但是&国家金融和安全的现实情况迫使他留下大量战斗力较弱的舰只并把它们投入到执行海事封锁及实施治安行动之类的任务中去。乌龙山的猫猫好可爱!

Admiral Sir Alan West, Adm Band's predecessor as Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord, was public in his opinion that this level is too small to meet the full spectrum of taskings, noting that the figure of 25 was based on analysis of high-intensity warfighting tasks alone and did not address wider maritime security needs, or make any allowance for attrition.

Band元帅的前任Alan West元帅在他出版的书中发表了自己的观点,即如此小规模的舰队根本不足以胜任所有的任务,他还指出25这一数字是基于单单应付一场高强度战斗的考虑而没有提及应对更为繁杂的海事安全需求或是解决海上小冲突这类事件的需要。

In China Mainland, we have over 10 branches alongside Pacific sea coast with over 300 staff working together.


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substantive specialists:实务专家

Substantive Session of the Conference of the Law of the Sea;海洋法会议的实质性会议;; | substantive specialists;实务专家;; | substantive staff;实务人员;;