英语人>词典>英汉 : rumpling的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] rumple的现在分词


弄皱, 弄得乱七八糟


皱纹, 皱褶


弄皱, 弄得乱七八糟

更多网络例句与rumpling相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The echoing chamber of his soul was a narrow room, a conning tower, whence were directed his arm shoulder muscles, his ten nimble fingers, the swift-moving iron along its steaming path in broad, sweeping strokes, my.ssbbww.com so many strokes no more, my.ssbbww.com so far with each stroke not a fraction of an inch farther, rushing along interminable sleeves, sides, backs, tails, tossing the finished shirts, without rumpling, upon the receiving frame.


After the geometric relaxation, the oxygen-vacancy leads large value of the surface rumpling in the two terminations.


With so many school buildings in Sichuan c~rumpling under the blow of the quake on Monday, such scenes of parents mourning their sons or daughters are being repeated.


Last, based on the rumpling mechanism of elastic film on elastic-plastic metal layer, the evolution of oxidation localization area was simulated numerically


Everybody sniffed when they came to that part. Jo wasn't ashamed of the great tear that dropped off the end of her nose, and Amy never minded the rumpling of her curls as she hid her face on her mother's shoulder and sobbed out, 'I am a selfish girl! But I'll truly try to be better, so he mayn't be disappointed in me by-and-by.


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