英语人>词典>英汉 : right alignment的中文,翻译,解释,例句
right alignment的中文,翻译,解释,例句

right alignment

right alignment的基本解释

[计] 右对齐

更多网络例句与right alignment相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Enhanced printer support allowing Font, Alignment (Left, Right, Centre and Full justification) with full word-wrap, Indent Left and Right.


The upper left corner of the tab stop and then switch to the right alignment icon tab, and use TAB to place the middle to place the same way as a right-aligned tab stop at the end line.


Tabulation of the types of places including: left-justified, center-justified, right-justified, decimal point, such as alignment and vertical alignment, the tab stop to use roughly the same, here only papers in accordance with the requirements of the formula and directory layout tabulation of the production as an example of the use of digital methods and results, a more detailed explanation please refer to the help of Word documents.

制表位的类型包括:左对齐,居中对齐,右对齐,小数点对齐和竖线对齐等,这些制表位的使用方法大致相同,这里仅根据论文中公式排版的要求和目录的制作为例说明制表位的使用方法和效果,更详细的说明请参阅 Word 的帮助文档。

更多网络解释与right alignment相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

data transfer:数据传递

新增滑动开关(slider)物件8. 修正 MACRO 无法正确执行负整数(int)运算9. 文字输入(ASCII Input)对象选择"Right alignment"模式时, 在输入文字时无法正常显示所输5. 修正在使用数据传递(Data Transfer)功能时, 有时会造成系统的通讯阻塞的现像

flush right:右对齐

字体的下降部之上的直线大部分字体,大写字母总是紧贴基线,并在 基线之上中文的字体和英文的大写字母情况一样下图红色的线就是基线对齐(Alignment) 段落的对齐基本有四种:左对齐(flush left)、右对齐(flush right)、居中对齐(cen

You know how to check for|misfires in alignment pressure:你知道怎么处理这种发动不了的情况吗

That's right.|那倒也是 | You know how to check for|misfires in alignment pressure?|你知道怎么处理这种发动不了的情况吗 | Yeah.|是啊