英语人>词典>英汉 : restauration的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

restauration [,restə'reiʃən]


(建筑物等的)修复, 修缮

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With Chateaubriand's Le Conservateur we have conservatism, and with Haller's Restauration der Staatswissenschaft of 1816 we have the idea of restoration.


For instance we read in the historian Halle:"This Araby worde Algebra sygnifyeth as well fractures of bones as sometime the restauration of the same."


For example, select "Fran" in the CompanyName field with the value "France restauration" to return all records that have a company name starting with "Fran," such as "Franchi S.p.A." and "Frankenversand".


In 1991, Afar tribesmen launched a major assault on the regime, under the rubric of Le Front pour la Restauration de l'Unit et la D mocratie.


Clause en Kaan architectural office was founded by Prof. Ir. F.M. Claus (1956) and Prof. Ir. C.H.C.F. Kaan (1961) in 1987.They work on architecture design restauration and renovation, interior and urban planning.


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restauration n.f:饭店行业

restaurateur, trice n. 饭店老板(娘) | restauration n.f. 饭店行业 | reste n.m. 其余,剩余,残余

Front pour la Restauration de l'Unite et de la Democratie:恢复团结和民主阵线

Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy,恢复团结和民主阵线,FRUD, | Front pour la Restauration de l'Unite et de la Democratie,恢复团结和民主阵线,FRUD, | Boka Kotorska Bay,博卡科托尔斯卡湾,,