英语人>词典>英汉 : redolence的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

redolence ['redəuləns]


芬芳, 香味, 香气

更多网络例句与redolence相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From then on, the rose lushes in my heart, emit redolence in my dream.


The redolence and aftertaste of YIJIAHONG health wine of china will last for a long time.


Our village is of warmth and redolence, dispearing in the dark in such beautiful scene in a good day


Time pasted quickly. We were immersed in the coffee redolence and we didn't want to leave. We understood that there is a rich western culture in such a small cup of coffee and we also learned that how to enjoy life with the purest Engish and the most romantic mood.


Thus, the attraction of English to me is as the redolence of night flowers on the road, not necessarily strong but long lasting; and so is my feeling towards English, which may not be fervent, but is evergreen.


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更多网络解释与redolence相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

redolence:芬芳, 香味,香气

pair register 双寄存器 | redolence 芬芳, 香味,香气 | mononucleosis 单核细胞增多症


redo 重复 | redolence 芬芳 | redolent 芬芳的


暮霭 Twilight 50 | 香远 Redolence 51 | 悠然 Leisure 52

redolence:芬芳; 香气; 香味 (名)

redo 再做, 改装, 重做 (动) | redolence 芬芳; 香气; 香味 (名) | redolent 有...香味的, 令人想起...的 (形)

Redolence of soul break loose:灵魂的香气已经关不住

灵魂的香气已经关不住 Redolence of soul break loose | 等待着被俘虏 Outside is waiting to be captived | 暗夜的玫瑰 Midnight Rose searing

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