英语人>词典>英汉 : puff paste的中文,翻译,解释,例句
puff paste的中文,翻译,解释,例句

puff paste

puff paste的基本解释

发酵的面团, 和有奶油的面团

更多网络例句与puff paste相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Small dollops of the paste puff when baked, resulting in airy shells that hold savory or sweet fillings.


She boiled them, and sifted them, and mixed them with eggs and sugar and milk and spice; then she lined some plate with puff paste, filled them with the mixture, and set them in the oven to bake.


Rare-roasted beef tenderloin coated with mushroom paste in puff pastry.


更多网络解释与puff paste相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

puff paste;puff pastry:层叠面团

测风气球/pilot balloon | 层叠面团/puff paste;puff pastry | 叉道/access road

puff paste;puff pastry:制泡夫用面团

制动鞋/track shoe | 制泡夫用面团/puff paste; puff pastry | 制绳长道/rope yard

Pastry Puff Stuffed with Lotus Seed Paste:莲茸起酥

果仁曲奇 Almond Cookies | 莲茸起酥 Pastry Puff Stuffed with Lotus Seed Paste | 奶油起酥螺 Cream Pastry Puff

Puff with Lotus Seeds Paste and Egg Yolk:蛋黄莲茸酥

11 拔丝苹果 Apple in Hot Toffee | 12 蛋黄莲茸酥 Puff with Lotus Seeds Paste and Egg Yolk | 13 蛋挞 Egg Tart

:Pastry Puff with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk:蛋黄莲茸酥

1831、蛋黄酥 Egg-Yolk Puff | 1832、蛋黄莲茸酥 Pastry Puff with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk | 1833、蛋挞 Egg Tart

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