英语人>词典>英汉 : public-spiritedness的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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I often also to my classmate joke say: my public-spiritedness and patriotism reached the highest realm.


That raises harder questions about the rule of law, public-spiritedness, and the strength of fair-minded, disinterested institutions.


In short, target excellence and public-spiritedness.


The challenge is nothing less than the creation of a new sense of freedom, a sense of personal liberation that is compatible with the deeper values of community and public-spiritedness.

note 21 我们面临的挑战不亚于建立一种全新的自由观,一种与社区及公共精神的深层价值观相一致的个人解放意识。

A rash of insider revelations has raised questions about how protected whistleblowers are from the consequences of their public-spiritedness.


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