英语人>词典>英汉 : protoplasmic的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

protoplasmic [,prəutə'plæzmik]



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Using the polyethylene glycol simulated drought stress test, the growth, leaf and stem relative water content and protoplasmic membrane penetration of Arachis pintoi cv. Amarillo and A. duranensis krapov.


This is an unfortunate name, because they are not cilia but long protoplasmic extensions.


It is achieved by protoplasmic streaming, extrusion of cell substances, or by locomotory appendages, such as flagella and undulipodia.


In this dissertation, firstly, the conditions of isolation and purification of specific toxin fractions produced by Exserohilum turcicum has been studied, and a high-efficient method has been established;secondly, the toxins were analysed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry;then the effect of specific toxin on death rate of corn leaves protoplast was studied by FDA as a tinct reagent;finally, using ANS as a probe and SDS-PAGE to study the membrane protein of the corn leaves with Htl gene. In a word, the aim of the research is to search some existent evidences of the toxin binding site on protoplasmic membrane, and provide proofs for nosogenesis of specific toxin in terms of cytology and the molecular biology.


The molecule of antibacterial peptide displays α-helical structure of amphipathicity, which can form the ion-channel to induce the death of pathogen on the protoplasmic membrane of bacterium, eumycete and parasite.


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protoplasmic astrocyte:原浆性星形胶质细胞

②原浆性星形胶质细胞(protoplasmic astrocyte),多分布在灰质,细胞的突起较短粗,分支较多,胞质内胶质丝较少. 星形胶质细胞的突起伸展充填在神经元胞体及其突起之间,起支持和分神经元的作用. 有些突起末端形成脚板(end feet),附在毛细血管壁上,

protoplasmic astrocyte:原浆性星形细胞

protoplasm 原生质 | protoplasmic astrocyte 原浆性星形细胞 | protoplast 原生质体

protoplasmic astrocyte:原浆性星型胶质细胞

glial fibrillary acidic protin,GFAP胶质原纤维酸性蛋白 | protoplasmic astrocyte原浆性星型胶质细胞 | end feet脚板

protoplasmic astrocyte:原浆性星状胶质细胞 第十一章

proton pump 质子泵 第六章 | protoplasmic astrocyte 原浆性星状胶质细胞 第十一章 | pulmonary deflation reflex 肺缩小反射 第五章


protoplasm 原生质 | protoplasmic 原形质的 | protoplast 原物

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