英语人>词典>英汉 : professorate的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

professorate [prə'fesərit]


教授之职位或聘期, [总称]全体教授

更多网络例句与professorate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This firm has a strong technical strength of comprehensive disciplines, over 180 are professionals, among which 3 are professorate senior engineers, 20 are senior engineers.


It was also during the course of his professorate that Jansenius, who was a man of action as well as of study, journeyed twice to Spain, whither he went as the deputy of his colleagues to plead at the Court of Madrid the cause of the university against the Jesuits; and in fact, through his efforts their authorization to teach humanities and philosophy at Louvain was withdrawn.

也有人过程中,他professorate认为jansenius ,谁是一名男子的行动,以及作为研究, journeyed两次西班牙,着他作为代理他的同事申辩在原讼法庭马德里事业的大学教育对耶稣会士;事实上,通过他的努力,他们的授权,教导人文和哲学在鲁汶被撤回。

In 2000 , awarded the title of professorate Senior Architect


Sc.1983 Institute of Project Planning and Research (Changed name to IPPR Engineering International since Oct.2001 、 United to China IPPR Engineering Corporation).Now, President of China IPPR Engineering Corporation, President of IPPR Engineering International, Chief Architect, Professorate Senior Architect, State Grade A Registered Architect State Registered City Planner.


更多网络解释与professorate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


就是指院校或教师为确保外来资金所表现出的市场行为或类似市场的行为. 其中"学术"(academic)一词指学院和大学的作为专业人员或准专业人员的雇员,包括全体教授(professorate)、学术支持性职员和管理人员. 类似市场的行为指院校和教师为资金而竞争,


professionless 没有职业的 | professorate 教授之职位 | professorial 学者气派的

professorate:教授之职位或聘期; 全体教授 (名)

professionally 专业地; 内行地 (副) | professorate 教授之职位或聘期; 全体教授 (名) | professorial 教授的; 像教授的 (形)