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problem of moments的中文,翻译,解释,例句

problem of moments

problem of moments的基本解释


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However,due to its complexity,the problem of fast computation of orthogonal moments has not been well solved.

本文针对一类采用图像块方法描述的图像,提出两种快速、有效的计算Legen dre矩的新方法,它们分别是累加方法和积分方法。

In what can only be described as a good kind of problem, Apple moments ago issued a two paragraph statement saying that it will delay the international launch of the iPad until the end of May.


We introduce convex,and in particular semidefinite,optimization methods,duality and complexity theory to shed new light to this relation for the single stock problem, given moments of the prices of the underlying assets,we show that we can find best possible bounds on option prices with general payoff funcations efficiently,either algorithmically(solving a semidefinite optimization problem)or in closed form, conversely,given observable option prices,we provide best possible bounds on moments of the prices of the underlying assets,as well as on the prices of the other options on the same asset by sovling linear optimization problems for options that are affected by multiple stocks either directly(the payoff of the option depends on multiple stocks)or indirectly(we have information on correlations between stock prices),we find on-optimal bounds using convex optimization methods,however,we show that it is NP-hard to find best possible bounds in multiple dimensions,we extend our results to incorporate transactions costs,this paper,in theory and practice can provide a reference to researchers and designers about Chinese financial derivative products,the full text is divided into six chapters as follows: ChapterⅠ:Papers on the background and significance of the subjects on a number of option pricing models as well as their advantages and shortcomings of the model and describes the status of research and writing papers and the main contents of the basic idea.


更多网络解释与problem of moments相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

problem of moments:矩问题

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