英语人>词典>英汉 : prizeman的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

prizeman ['praizmən]



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Om was singing the solo on the last song and it is written by our director Robert Prizeman.

OM在上一首歌里唱独唱,那首歌是由我们的团长ROBERT PRIZEMAN创作的。

Mr. Prizeman explains the semantic difference: They could be called choirboys - in that they have unbroken, treble voices, and they sing together in a choir.


J.R.Lowell, for instance,"can overflow with American humour when politics inspire his muse ; but in the realm of pure poetry he is no more American than a Newdigate prizeman".


Now Robert Prizeman, music director at a modest Anglican church, St. Philip's Church in Norbury - a southern London suburb - has done just that.


Indeed,"Luminosa" boasts choral numbers arranged by Prizeman from a surprising variety of sources, including Saint-Saens'"Carnival of the Animals," Beethoven's Seventh Symphony, Pachelbel's "Canon," and Debussy's "Clair de Lune." Set to Latin words and recorded in an echoey acoustic style, the results have a churchy feel without being doctrinal.

的确,luminosa专辑中包括了很多出色合唱歌曲,是罗伯特从众多的音乐类型中选取出来的,包括Saint-Saens'"Carnival of the Animals,"贝多芬的第七交响曲,巴夏贝尔的圣颂和德彪西的月光,以拉丁文和回响式的音响风格编奏,因此演唱具有教堂的氛围,却不刻板。

更多网络解释与prizeman相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


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