英语人>词典>英汉 : potentialization的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[医] 增强, 强化(指两药合用时的药效)

更多网络例句与potentialization相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On enhanced MRI scanning, early abnormal potentialization was found in 7 cases. No evident potentialization was found in 4 cases.


After delayed scanning, the concentric delayed potentialization was found in all cases. Conclusion PCC has certain characteristic manifestation on low field MRI. MRI plain scan combined with dynamic contrast enhancement scan is the key to the correct diagnosis of PCC.


OBJECTIE To ealuate the effect of herbal eye drop of Reduqing and potentialization of ultrasonic nebulous adiministration of Reduqing on experimental herpes simplex keratitis in rabbits, the acute toxicity test and the irritating eye reaction.

目的 评估中药热毒清滴眼液对兔实验性单纯疱疹性角膜炎(herpessimplexkeratitis ,HSK)作用和超声雾化强化给药的疗效及急性毒性与眼的刺激反应。

Among 14 cases of trigeminal tumor,12 cases were examined by CT scanning,2 cases by MRI,all of them were confirmed by pathological examination.The density appeared heterogeneous with 6 cases,homogeneous high density with 5 cases and isopyknic with 1 case.Dropped contrast medium,the 12 CT scanning pictures appeared heterogeneous potentialization,and there were no cerebral edema around the tumor.Among 2 cases examined by MRI,T1 weighted image appeared low signal,T2 weighted image appeared high signal.


更多网络解释与potentialization相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

potentialization; potentiation:相乘作用

\\"位能;势能\\",\\"potential energy\\" | \\"相乘作用\\",\\"potentialization; potentiation\\" | \\"增效剂\\",\\"potentiating agent\\"

potentialization; potentiation:药力相乘作用

\\"位能,能\\",\\"potency\\" | \\"药力相乘作用\\",\\"potentialization,potentiation\\" | \\"胞饮\\",\\"potocytosis\\"


potentiality 潜能 | potentialization 强化 | potentiation 强化


potentialityofseed 种子发芽势 | potentialization 增强 | potentialjump 电位突变