英语人>词典>英汉 : perilled的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] peril的过去分词


危险, 冒险


置...于险境, 冒险, 危及

更多网络例句与perilled相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There could be little doubt, for instance, that this very ship's crew, though no unfavourable specimens of the nautical brotherhood, had been guilty, as we should phrase it, of depredations on the Spanish commerce, such as would have perilled all their necks in a modern court of justice.

就以这艘船上的船员为例吧,他们虽然不是海上生涯中那种声名狼藉的人物,但用我们 sSBbWw 的话说,肯定犯有劫掠西班牙商船的罪行,在今天的法庭上,都有处以绞刑的危险。

"This very ship's crew, though no unfavourable specimens of the nautical brotherhood, had been guilty, as we should phrase it, of depredations on the Spanish commerce, such as would have perilled all their necks in a modern court of justice."


"This very ship's crew, though no unfavourable specimen s of the nautical brotherhood, had been guilty, as we should phrase it, of depredations on the Spanish commerce, such as would have perilled all their necks in a modern court of justice."


There could be little doubt, for instance, that this very ship's crew, though no unfavourable specimens of the nautical brotherhood, had been guilty, as we should phrase it, of depredations on the Spanish commerce, such as would have perilled all their necks in a modern court of justice.


Remember how much she had perilled for a fine house and gorgeous furniture, for carriages and horses, jewels and laces; and do not wonder if she clung with a desperate tenacity to gauds and gew-gaws in the hour of her despair.


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