英语人>词典>英汉 : peggle的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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Peggle, which had been ranked at around 60 in top paid apps, shot up to second place within 24 hours.


Peggle Nights - Stay up late to aim, shoot and achieve Extreme Fever in this addicting puzzle game!


It's not hard to see this eventually expanded to include things like: email Bob at work, launch app Peggle, take voice memo, etc. now is it?

这是不难看出这最终扩大到包括诸如:电子邮件鲍勃在工作中,启动应用程序Peggle ,采取语音备忘录等现在是什么?

But if we can get a self-professed non-gamer to sit down in front of Bejeweled or Zuma or Peggle for 10 minutes, we can convert half of them right there.

但是我们能让这些自称非游戏玩家的人做下来玩十分钟的 Bejeweled , Zuma 或者 Peggle ,我们立刻能让一半人喜欢上游戏。

Aim, shoot, clear the orange pegs, then sit back and cheer as 10 whimsical teachers guide you to Peggle greatness.


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更多网络解释与peggle相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




24.Zenonia:泽诺尼亚传奇 | 25.Peggle:佩格跳跳球 | 26.Marble Blast Mobile:炫彩滚珠


iBlastMoki: 使用爆炸的力量,把小可爱推进深渊 | Peggle: 幻幻球,发射小球击落其他小球 | SlimeLumia: 史莱姆反射镜游戏

Peggle Extreme:极限弹珠

Opposing Force 针锋相对 | Peggle Extreme 极限弹珠 | Portal 时空枪(传送门,洞穴)

Peggle Nights:幻幻球之夜

Peggle 幻幻球 | Peggle Nights 幻幻球之夜 | Pixelus 象素岛

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