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pattern making的中文,翻译,解释,例句

pattern making

pattern making的基本解释

[机] 模型制造

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In addition, the figure series sloper technique not only perfect our country pattern design theories, but also connect with the research of series pattern technique abroad , and it is an important part of the development of pattern making theories.


The major achievement of this paper is: Based on characteristics of the traffic data distribution, execute pattern recognition operations on traffic condition on two dimensions by clustering, then use BP neural network to describe and forecast traffic flow aiming at each pattern. Making use of classic flow-occupancy inverse "V" model, implement polynomial fitting using least-squares algorithm and statistics method on flow curves to detect outliers which are proved to be not accord with practice through the actual implement, then use the moving average model to recorrect the outliers and absent. Make correlation analysis on muti-direction flow queues of the intersection and ones of upriver intersections, choose flow queue with high correlation as assistant one to improve the error tolerance of the prediction system, at the same time we can use the method to give an estimation of flow in intersection with out sensors. We design and implement an SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)-based UTDD(urban traffic data mining development) with high expansibility and performance, which implement unified management and call of the data-mining application though defining a XML-based description of data-mining process and a common interface to call data-mining process, finally we build traffic flow prediction application model on UTDD.

根据交通流量数据分布的特征,提出基于k-means的二次聚类方法,对交通流量在流量大小和时间上进行模式划分,进而对各个交通流模式进行基于BP神经网络的描述和预测,从而提高模型对流量预测的精度; 2)根据流量/时间占有率倒&V&字形曲线分布模型,提出基于最小二乘法的三次多项式曲线拟合和统计方法的异常检测方法,实际应用表明该方法能够有效识别异常数据,然后根据移动平均算法对异常数据进行修正; 3)基于序列相关性分析,分别对预测方向的交通流量数据序列、上游路口相关序列以及预测路口其它各个方向上的交通流量序列进行分析,选择相似性流量序列,作为辅助序列提供其他没有检测器路口的流量估计; 4)设计和实现了基于SOA(Service-Oriented Achitecture)的高性能、可扩展的智能交通数据挖掘系统UTDD,该系统通过定义基于XML的数据挖掘过程描述和通用的过程模型接口,实现数据挖掘应用的统一管理和调用,最后在UTDD上建立了基于路口流量预测的应用模型。

In an opaque white, color pattern business card printing and membership card produce distinct, because of the formed the basis of the opaque white, pattern making and membership card making restore results can be achieved.


更多网络解释与pattern making相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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