英语人>词典>英汉 : pasteurellosis的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

pasteurellosis [,pæstərə'ləusis]


[兽医]巴斯德(氏)菌病, 出血性败血病

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Our experiment is unique to clone porcine IL-4 gene from lymphocytes of the local species of Chenghua porcine and systematically study its expressing effect in vivo on the immune system and immune responses of mouse and pig to trivalent vaccines against Swine fever, the Pasteurellosis and Erysipelas suis and pig paratyphoid vaccine.


Adopting duple diluent method and stiletto method and external antibacterial test on escherichia coli, solmonella paratyhpi , staphylicoccus aureus, streptococcus,, pseudomonas aeruginosa , Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, pasteurellosis to get the MIC and MBC, we studied antibacterial effect of the Copmounds Solatium Iyratum Thunb injection.


No peptide sequence of Pasteurella multocida was obtained by performing epitope mapping with the antibodies. The results indicated that hyaluronic acid plays an important role as the immunogen of avian pasteurellosis.


1 With the identification of goose Pasteurellosis: Pasteurellosis liver necrosis, see there, not the disease.

4.1 与鹅巴氏杆菌病的鉴别:巴氏杆菌病肝脏见有坏死,本病则无。

The aim of this study is trying to better illustrate on immunogens of avian pasteurellosis by generating antibody-secreting hybridoma cells and studying on the characters of antibodies produced from these cells.


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输出前应隔离检疫十日,检查结果健康情形良好且未发现土拉伦斯病(Tularemia)、巴氏杆菌病(Pasteurellosis)、球虫病(Coccidiosis)及其他兔类疫病象徵. 6. 兔只应使用经输出国政府认定之消毒药品消毒之清洁安全容器装运,


巴斯德氏菌病 内容 巴斯德氏菌病(Pasteurellosis)由巴斯德氏菌引起的疾病. 巴斯德氏菌属包括出血败血性巴斯德氏菌、溶血性巴斯德氏菌、亲肺性巴斯德氏菌及尿素酶巴斯德氏菌,主要是动物的致病菌,但也可通过动物咬伤、与动物密切接触等途径引起人类疾病.


客轮(渡轮)(邮轮)的其他水上运输事故 Passenger ship | 巴斯德菌病 Pasteurellosis | 帕套氏综合征 NOS Patau's syndrome unspecified

avian pasteurellosis:家禽霍乱

avian necrotic enteritis 家禽坏死性肠炎 | avian pasteurellosis 家禽霍乱 | avian typhus 禽伤寒

pasteurellosis; pasteurelleses:巴氏杆菌症

尿素巴氏杆菌 Pasteurella ureae | 巴氏杆菌症 pasteurellosis; pasteurelleses | 巴氏杀菌(法) pasteurization

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