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The Red Army cooperated with the NKVD against Polish partizans and civilians.

红军与 NKVD 合作对付波兰的游击队和平民。

As to what were your views, for if you are not great enough to have ambition you are little enough to have vanity, they cannot be directly inferred from expressions of your own; but the partizans of your politics have divulged the secret.


We must raise and instruct them. Epithets which partizans have bandied of "rurality" and "rural chamber" must not become the cause of injustice.

我们必须培养和指示他们。partizans 相互投掷了&rurality&和&农村分庭&的口号不能成为不公道的起因。

Now this is the kind of inivestigation I like:shoot first and ask questions later.the Chechen Democratic Partizans just picked a fight with the wrong hombre.we're going to hit'em and hit 'em hard.


The lands obtained by the revolution were lavished upon partizans; injustice was acted under pretence of faith; and the chief of the army became the patron of the fraud.


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