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This article takes the philology angle of view, ordinally sawing about the issues as compilatory origin, complier, explanatory notes, stuff chosen, classic items quote, try to analysis the compilation function and scholarly tenet of the Emperor Kang Xi's Scriptures roundly.


Yizheng movement, Wubao movement and Sanduo movement happened ordinally in Gaoyou depression and then regional unconformity formed. According to the feature of unconformity and stockwerke, the sedimentary cover could be compartmentalized as upper, middle and subjacent stockwerke. Fault activity is different because of different intensity of structural movement.


Moreover, the actual allele frequency of most varieties deviates far from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. All PPB、na 、I、h、Gi and Fst have proved to be the references to elucidate that ISSR is a most powerful tool to analyze genetic diversity, compared with the RAPD marker and the allozyme marker is less strong ordinally. We could divided the 70 samples into A, B, C, D and E five groups using three methods according to genetic distance clustering. There is a bit displacement for few varieties in different clustering maps, but the most are similar to morphological analysis despite that there is still a great difference among cultivars in the same one group. The above results imply that the three methods have the different sensitivity and resolution in genetic distance analysis of close varieties. The Mantel test indicates that the results from the three kinds of markers have the significant correlation, which demonstrates that the number of the used three kinds of markers is enough to exactly detect the diversity of all 70 samples to ideal extent. And these methods can be used to evaluate the diversity of the whole group using the miscellaneous samples instead of the individual sample, of the Gerbera jamesonii are mainly from tissue culture plants. In conclusion, the above study results provide a reference for the application of three kinds of molecular markers to molecular marker-assisted breeding of flower. 2. The genetic diversity among the eight introduced cut-flower varieties of Ranunculus asiatica was analyzed by the ISSR markers. Based on the genetic clustering tree, all the colorful flower varieties are clustered into one group, and the white flower varieties into another group. Moreover, among the former group the yellow flower varieties are clustered into one sub-group, and the reddish flower varieties, such as rose color, pink, nacarat, are clusetered into another sub-group.

由三种分子标记的分析结果可以看出,等位基因平均值、观察杂合度、Fis值、Fit值皆较高,表明非洲菊等位基因较丰富,杂合基因偏多,且绝大部份品种的实际等位基因频率在品种内偏离了Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium;PP8、na、Ⅰ、h、Gi及Fst皆表明,ISSR检测遗传多样性的能力最强,其次是RAPD,等位酶最低;根据遗传距离进行聚类,三种方法都把70个品种分成A、B、C、D、E五个大组,每一组中除少数品种发生位移外,大部份品种分类结果相似,且与形态分析结果有相似性,但在每一组中,品种间的聚类差别较大,表明这三种方法在近距离品种间检测遗传变异时灵敏度及分辨力不同;Mantel检测表明,三种标记的分析结果有显著相关性,表明所用的三种分子方法的标记数量已经可以相对无偏地检测到70个品种间遗传变异;非洲菊为组培苗,三种标记的检测结果皆表明,混合样品可以作为个体样品的代表,对整个居群的遗传多样性进行评价;这些研究结果可为三种分子标记方法在花卉分子辅助育种中的进一步应用提供借鉴。

You know i would help you ordinally, but i have lessons today.


Ethology tests were evaluated by eight-arm maze task and Morris water maze task ordinally.

学习记忆的行为学检测先后应用八臂迷宫和 Morris 水迷宫实验。

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bidirectionally ordinally square contingency:缺失数据

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Ordinally neutral characteristics:中立于次序的特征

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