英语人>词典>英汉 : optical flatness的中文,翻译,解释,例句
optical flatness的中文,翻译,解释,例句

optical flatness

optical flatness的基本解释








更多网络例句与optical flatness相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A new method of absolute flatness measurement of optical surface errors.


Isoclinic interferometer was rebuilt with machine vision technology to realize fast flatness measurement of optical flat.


Based on laser interferometer theory,Multi-wave interferometer by phase-shift ing method is applied on high-reflective coated optical flatness measurement.


Design of Phase-shift Power Amplifier for Control of Active Magnetic Bearing;2. A digital control of phase-shift circuit;3. Based on laser interferometer theory,Multi-wave interferometer by phase-shift ing method is applied on high-reflective coated optical flatness measurement.


Use:In coordination with the leveling instrument,optical flatness measuring instrument and electronic leveling instrument to test the flatness of plate,leveling ruler,machine tool working platform ,guides and precision workpiece.


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更多网络解释与optical flatness相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

optical flatness:光学平度

optical fibre 光导纤维,光纤 | optical flatness 光学平度 | optical illusion 光幻象,视错觉

optical flatness:光学平滑度,光学光滑度

optical flat gage 光学平面规 | optical flatness 光学平滑度,光学光滑度 | optical flats 光学平面

optical flatness:工作面平整度

Stability of thermal vibration: 抗震稳定性 | Optical flatness:工作面平整度 | Roughness:粗糙度

optical flatness:光学光滑度; 光学平度; 光学平滑度; 光学平直度

optical flat glass filter 光学玻璃滤色镜 | optical flatness 光学光滑度; 光学平度; 光学平滑度; 光学平直度 | optical flatness gauge 光学平直仪

optical flatness gauge:光学平直仪

optical flat 平晶 | optical flatness gauge 光学平直仪 | optical flint glass 火石光学玻璃