英语人>词典>英汉 : one in a thousand的中文,翻译,解释,例句
one in a thousand的中文,翻译,解释,例句

one in a thousand

one in a thousand的基本解释

千分之一, 稀有的, 杰出的

更多网络例句与one in a thousand相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is a one in a thousand.


This is one in a thousand chance in life.


This is the one in a thousand chance in your life.


He is one in a thousand.


This is a one in a thousand chance for the whole life.


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更多网络解释与one in a thousand相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

one in a thousand:百里挑一

又如:三思(think twice),三心二意(in two minds),百里挑一(one in a thousand)等. 注: 中文的"鸡皮疙瘩"在英语中要用"鹅皮疙瘩"(goose-pimples)表达. 这多半由饮食习惯的差异引起,因为鹅在中国可不像在英国那样常见. 注:两种语言的表达顺序往往存在差异,

one in a thousand:难得

One good turn deserves another 善有善报 | one in a thousand 难得 | One man's guess is as good as another's 猜测终究是猜测

one in a thousand:百里挑一, 杰出的

One down! [美俚]来一份烤面包! 第一个障碍排除了! 第一个项目完成了! | one in a thousand 百里挑一, 杰出的 | one in the eye for sb. 给某人照眼一拳 给某人钉子碰

one in a thousand:少有,杰出

ten to one 很可能 | one in a thousand 少有,杰出 | have one thousand and one things to do 日理万机

He is a one in a thousand:他是个出类拔萃的人物

1)That old man is a one. 那老头是个古怪的人. | 2)He is a one in a thousand. 他是个出类拔萃的人物. | 3)They were made one. 他们结为夫妻.

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