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nurse cell的中文,翻译,解释,例句

nurse cell

nurse cell的基本解释




更多网络例句与nurse cell相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective: To investigatien and summarize the syndrome's prevent and nurse of peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in the preparing treatment of lymphocy tumour.


To cooperate cure better, improve the life quality of patient of leukaemia of chronic bead cell, nurse commonly in executive internal medicine on groovy foundation, increase the standardization that suits patient of leukaemia of chronic bead cell to nurse content.


After inoculation of leukemia virus,the changes in ANAE,AcP and β-Gase reactions were observed in the thymocyte and thymie nurse cell in thymus cortex of experimental mice.

对接种白血病病毒后30d、75d 小鼠胸腺和淋巴结的组织结构及酸性非特异性酯酶、酸性磷酸酶、β~葡糖苷酸酶反应类型进行了观察,并与正常组作对照。

Inthe whole process, the oocytes, nurse cell and follicle cell morphology change. Inoocyte yolk formation and growth, the number of its nuclear trophoblast cell nucleoli,lamphrush chromosome with a strong synthetic material; oocytes also some syntheticmaterial; follicle cells in the yolk protein synthesis, provide access to exogenous yolkprotein.


更多网络解释与nurse cell相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nurse cell:哺育细胞

有的细胞的胞质较丰富,胞质内含有一些内吞的胸腺细胞(图9-7),类似胸腺分离细胞中所见的哺育细胞(nurse cell). 哺育细胞为一大的圆形或椭圆形细胞,胞质内含有数个乃至数十个胸腺细胞,有的还进行有丝分裂,它们是Th细胞的前身.

nurse cell:抚育细胞

目前已知,诱导T淋巴细胞在胸腺内分化、成熟的主要因素包括:(1)胸腺基质细胞(thymus stromal cell,TSC)通过细胞表面的粘附分子直接与胸腺细胞相互作用,其中胸腺中的"抚育细胞"(nurse cell)对于T细胞的成熟和分化可能超着重要的调节作用;

nurse cell:塞尔托利细胞

nurse 护士 | nurse cell 塞尔托利细胞 | nursing 保育

nurse cell:扶育细胞

nurse bee 保姆蜂 乳母蜂 | nurse cell 扶育细胞 | nursery bed 苗床

thymic nurse cell:胸腺哺育细胞

stellate epithelial cell卫星上皮细胞 | thymic nurse cell胸腺哺育细胞 | apoptosis调亡

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