英语人>词典>英汉 : northern lights的中文,翻译,解释,例句
northern lights的中文,翻译,解释,例句

northern lights

northern lights的基本解释


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Perhaps you've seen pictures of the northern lights.


What better way to experience the Land of the Midnight Sun and Northern Lights?


Learn what causes this to happen and the best time of year to experience the northern lights in Alaska.


In January 2007, I, along with a couple of companions, began my journey of Northern Lights.


I wish you were here tonight with me to see the northern lights.


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northern lights:北极光

单从美国的大麻价格上看,有每磅400美元的新墨西哥州劣质大麻,还有每磅超过7000美元的被称为"北极光"(Northern Lights)和"阿富汗库什"(Afghan Kush)的精品.

northern lights:北极之光

此次收购,是中国石化集团继2005年收购加拿大北极之光(Northern Lights)油砂项目後,在油砂业务领域的又一次收购,也是中国公司在加拿大油砂业务最大一笔投资.而Syncrude拥有世界最大的油砂生产项目,截至2009年底其总剩馀合成原油(SCO)资源量为119亿桶,

northern lights:极光

新浪娱乐讯 北京时间2月10日消息,据国外媒体报道,当红偶像泰勒.洛特(Taylor Lautner)近来十分抢手,除了继续主演>(Twilight)系列外,他还接演了>(即将上映)、>(Northern Lights)、动作片>(Cancun)以及

northern lights:北方之光

同年其他的主要成绩有与蒂娜.特纳(TURNER,TIAN)合作录制>(It's Only Love)和为"北方之光"(Northern Lights)创作的>(Tears Are Not Enough),这一切响应了Band Aid的号召,为加拿大摇滚乐做出重要贡献.

northern lights suplex:(北极星过肩摔)

Mat backbreaker(原地背部粉碎技) | northern lights suplex(北极星过肩摔) | neckbreaker(颈部粉碎摔)

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