英语人>词典>英汉 : new-model的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

new-model ['nju:,mɔdəl]


改造, 重编

更多网络例句与new-model相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sodium Diacetate and Sodium Dehydroacetate are two new-model preservatives.


This paper introduces the structure characteristics and application of Coolplus and Tencel,and based on the reality of the factory,air jet Coolplus /Tencel spun yarn developed by use of new-model cotton-spinning equipment is put forward with selection of material,technological processes,key technical measures and yarn hairiness analyzed.

介绍了 Coolplus 与Tencel纤维的结构特点和用途,根据企业实际情况,提出了用新型棉纺设备开发生产 Coolplus /Ten-cel喷气纱,对原料选用、工艺流程、关键技术措施、毛羽等方面进行了分析探讨。

Auto makers declined to say how much they would save by scaling back their displays and new-model unveilings. But a person familiar with show-planning costs said GM could save more than $1 million alone by using carpet for its entire 120,000 square-foot exhibit instead of wood or tile.


New-model high quality product, reasonable prices, domestic and foreign customers by the praise.


With the increasing improvement of people's living standard, the requirement of the high-grade and new-model furniture is huge.


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新的拉伸按摩模式. New Quad Roller Massage新的四辊按摩:New Stretching Massage Mode

Features: 特点... | Human Touch TechnologyTM -- the most advanced robotic massage system available.人情味technologytm... | New Stretching Massage Mode.新的拉伸按摩模式. New Quad Roller Massage新的四辊按摩

我在new glarus. ):New glarus,I'm in new glarus. ( New glarus

Come and get me-- now. ( 过来接我,现在 ) | New glarus,I'm in new glarus. ( New glarus,我在new glarus. ) | No,thanks,I brought my own. ( 不用了,谢谢,我自己有 )

New glarus,I'm in new glarus. ( New glarus:我在new glarus. )

Come and get me-- now. ( 过来接我,现在 ) | New glarus,I'm in new glarus. ( New glarus,我在new glarus. ) | No,thanks,I brought my own. ( 不用了,谢谢,我自己有 )