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Catnip is scientifically classified as Nepeta cataria and is a perennial herb from the mint family and is in fact also referred to as "Catmint".


Intercropping Centaurea cyanus, Saturela hortensis L, Nepeta cataria, Agerarum houstonianum and Ocimum basilicum L were used as experimental treatments and natural grass was used as control to study the soil microbial quantity, the content of the soil nutrients, as well as the relationship among them during their young fruit period, fruit enlargement period, and fruit maturity period, respectively.


Some species of Nepeta and Schizonepeta genus have been used as Chinese traditional folk medicine to resolve the exterior, dissipate cold, rectify the blood and resolve toxin. Efficacious drugs were made of these species for treatment of common cold, headache, sore swollen throat, wind stroke clenched jaw, blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, uterine bleeding, postpartum blood dizziness, swollen welling abscess, sore and scrofula.


Investigation on the chemical constituents of Nepeta prattii,Salvia tricuspis and Adenophora stenanthina subsp.xifengensis


Closely related to Nepeta but calyces with a thickened fold between the teeth.


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Nepeta cataria:貓薄荷

香草植物种植方式都大同小异现在天气比较严热必须把它移到阴凉但是光线也要明亮的地方最好方法是种植在大型的花盆或是素烧盆能在夏季时维持稳定的土壤温度根部正常生长,才能不受影响 以下撷取至维基百科猫薄荷用途猫薄荷(Nepeta cataria)是一种弱神经作用物,


荆芥属(Nepeta)为有花植物唇形科中的一属,共可分为约250个物种. 其中某些种类由於能刺激猫的费洛蒙受器,使猫产生一些特殊的行为,因此而称猫薄荷(catmint)或猫草(catnip). 原生於欧洲、亚洲以及非洲. 地中海到中国大陆之间的区域,

nepeta oil:荆芥油

Nepeta japonica Maxim 槐角 | nepeta oil 荆芥油 | nephelometer 浊度计

Nepeta L:荆芥属

179-1 美国薄荷M. didyma L. | 180.荆芥属Nepeta L. | 180-1 荆芥N. cataria L.

Nepeta sibirica:大花荆芥

荆芥属大花荆芥(Nepeta sibirica)的染色体数目及核型分析采取常规根尖压片法对横断山区唇形科(Lamiaceae)荆芥属(Nepeta)的大花荆芥(N.sibirica)进行了染色体数目统计及核型分析,首次报道了大花荆芥的染色体数目及核型.结果表明:大花荆芥染色体数目为2n=18,

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